do you believe

Transpire, if you will, the depths of what could be and somehow, what should be. It is all to real as we gaze into the light of redemption, taunting at the fact that our bodies will stop working but our souls will live on. To the dismay of those that do believe in what’s not there, this can nullify all existence that once lived in this dimension. Can we say that we all exhibit a talent that converses the mind to retrieve images that we store in our subconscious.

Do i believe into what’s not there. Sure, as it tends to remind me of times past where things were not of what they seemed. Ask a professor to explain the unexplainable. They’ll nod their head and give some kind of explanation that will derive from a passage they once heard or studied. Its awesome to understand what’s coming but fearful for what’s behind us. Ain’t that something. To digress on matters that don’t mean anything but fathom to display eras that casted fraudulent comparisons that don’t even exist.

You must believe that there is a way to understand the misunderstanding. Like rivers that connect with other bodies of water, our souls connect in time and travel to vast unknowns that we are desperately trying to visit. Look at the hidden messages that our brothers and sisters of this world are trying to do. It is that obvious that at any moment, we could see a parallel meta discovered beyond the reaches of hands laid out.

Many things can be believed in but, what belief should we have if all that’s left is suffered swallows’ curiosity leading to damnation. Wow: that’s hard to respect in the eyes of someone that doesn’t know the true boundaries that you can’t cross…the bridge you can’t see…the columns that fall with special words that hit like concrete.

Believe you must