I would like to thank you for visiting my site. You’ll find that my blog is very different than any other blog you’ve come across. I hope to inspire and uplift all of you that are in the dark about how you feel from time to time. That’s why I made this blog.
However, I do have one rule for viewing this blog. Please be open minded and respectful while you’re on my blog.
Posts that are made to this blog are meant to be not understood or interpreted. It is meant to be posted and left unexplained as to try to understand what was written may drive you a little crazy.
That’s ok. Leave it unexplaineD is what the name means; post it and let it go.
Here is that rule:
I want everyone to feel secure about being able to post their inner ramblings. My blog is not for everyone so if your mind is not open to the posts on here, please navigate away.
If you have moments where you just need to put what you’re thinking on paper, then don’t hesitate to send me a submission so I can include it my newsletter.
Please head over to the submissions page to see the guidelines for inclusion.
haven’t subscribed to my newsletter yet?
By subscribing to my newsletter, you’ll get subscriber only content not posted on my blog, submissions sent in by people like me :), some good ole’ fashion freebies and other stuff I’ll think of to include in the newsletter. Scroll down to the end of the page and subscribe today…why wait?
And guess what, that’s it. Short, sweet and to the point.