In frantic mode, I find myself debating if I should cause mayhem or let it be. To whom am I that will destroy the in-tune vibrations of nowhere. Thoughts racing through my head as to wonder if I was to let go, will satisfaction become the norm for me. Maintaining a serial connection with the depths leading me to uncertainty…a phobia that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies. Yet, into advancements mocks the dead of light shining on the grass they say is much greener on the other side.
Despite being hypnotized by the virtues of reality, one could say that the barriers we encounter might lead us to promise and security. Transposed from there is to there was, you would think that the only way out of the depths which clinches us is to bow down to the gods that protect the “Nowhere Universe”. Seamlessly, you can find the best places hidden beneath the perils of rock formations and hill sides. There is no relations regarding the gods of old and the false hopes of those that strive to believe in the true nature of the forgotten bottomless pit.